Sharing what we know with the community is 对我们很重要.

GVEC welcomes the opportunity to visit your school, library and community and civic events with educational presentations that are memorable and tailored to meet your needs. 教育 presentations for students are based on TEKS curriculum requirements & include resource materials for teachers.

教育 & 社区 Presentations
Topics range from electrical safety to the science of electricity. We also offer general interest presentations on efficiency, solar alternatives and other related topics for civic & 社区团体.
These presentations are always changing, so call us at 800.223.4832 或电子邮件 for a presentation that meets your needs and interests.

Louie the Lightning Bug

Recommended for elementary school (second grade)

Who doesn’t love GVEC’s life-size safety mascot? Each year GVEC presents the Louie the Lightning Bug electrical safety program in second grade classrooms within our service area. The program teaches students how to be safe around electricity and includes a video starring Louie and his friends. The presentation also includes a coloring contest featuring Louie and his safety tips. Teachers select one boy and one girl winner to receive a prize from GVEC at a later visit. The Louie program has proven to be a successful 太l for teaching students about safety while having fun. All second graders are eligible to enter the coloring contest; however the children and grandchildren of GVEC directors and employees are not eligible for prizes.

For information, call 800.223.4832、电子邮件, or fill out the request form below.

PowerTown Safety Display

Recommended for elementary and junior high schools, and adults

No one is 太 young or old for PowerTown. It’s an engaging display where the audience has an opportunity to see a live demonstration using a miniature town which visually shows the dangers of power lines and how to stay safe. Just some of the scenarios include:

  • Hitting overhead lines with a kite
  • Tree limbs coming in contact with power lines
  • Falling power lines on a vehicle
  • Contact with a padmount transformer (big green box)
  • Pole transformer falling on a home service line

This live demonstration uses real electrical voltage to produce arcs and popping and buzzing noises, so the audience not only sees the dangers, but hears what it sounds like as well. To make this time valuable for teachers, 太, we weave in elements from the 德州 Education Agency (TEA) state test and the 德州 Essential Knowledge and Skills test (TEKS), and provide resource materials.

For information, call 800.223.4832、电子邮件, or fill out the request form below.

Van de Graaff Presentation

Recommended for elementary through middle school

The Van de Graaff presentation is truly a hair-raising experience. It’s a fun way to introduce the concept of electrical conductors and insulators and explore the basic properties of protons and electrons. What makes this learning experience especially memorable is that students are able to experience the power of static electricity. Once they touch the miniature generator, they’re able to see their hair stand on end with the power of static electricity. This presentation includes elements from the 德州 Education Agency (TEA) state test and the 德州 Essential Knowledge and Skills test (TEKS) to make this time valuable for teachers as well. We also provide teachers with resources materials, such as vocabulary sheets.

For information, call 800.223.4832、电子邮件, or fill out the request form below.

社区 Presentations

Recommended for civic and 社区团体

If you need a speaker for organization, give us a call. From scout meetings to chamber and civic groups, we can tailor a presentation to meet your needs and interests. Just a few of our more popular ones include energy efficiency, GVEC.网络和光纤电源, 启动, and GVEC Services including TextPower, SmartHub and GVEC 能源效率 退税.

For information, call 800.223.4832、电子邮件, or fill out the request form below.


教育 Presentation Request

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